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Leinenführigkeit an der Flexi-Leine – Sinnvoll oder Quatsch?

Walking on a flexi leash – useful or nonsense?

Leinenführigkeit an der Flexi-Leine – Sinnvoll oder Quatsch?

Walking on a flexi leash – useful or nonsense?

The flexi leash is one of the most used dog accessories in the world - it promises freedom for the dog and comfort for the owner. But this freedom can quickly become a problem if the dog does not ...

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pawTreats: Warum 100 % Fleisch-Leckerlies die beste Wahl für deinen Hund sind

pawTreats: Why 100% meat treats are the best choice for your dog

Choosing the right treats for your dog is crucial to his health and well-being. Given the variety of products on the market, many dog ​​owners ask themselves: What is best for my dog? At pawINAYA...

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pawINAYA® Hundegeschirr Hinweis Wie soll das Hundegeschirr am Hund sitzen

The right dog harness: Why the choice is crucial and how to find the perfect harness for your dog

Are you looking for the right dog harness ? Then you've come to the right place! Choosing the right harness is not just a question of style, but above all a question of your dog's health and well-b...

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Gegenseitiger Respekt unter Hundehalter:innen

Mutual respect among dog owners

In the community, we experience the most diverse facets of life with our four-legged companions every day. Every dog ​​is unique, and so are the experiences and challenges that come with owning a d...

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Flexi- und Schleppleine kommen ans Geschirr!

Flexi and tow lines are attached to the harness!

Every walk with our four-legged friend should not only be fun but also safe. But did you know that the way you attach the leash can make a big difference? A small difference that can make a big dif...

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Yoga Hund Sport mit deinem Vierbeiner
Flexi Leine

Fit together: sporting activities for people and dogs

Dogs are not only loyal companions, but also enthusiastic sports partners. If you are looking for a fun and healthy way to both increase your fitness and strengthen your bond with your four-legged...

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Die Perfekte Flexileine: Welche Hundeleine passt zu deinem Vierbeiner? pawINAYA

The perfect flexi leash: Which dog leash suits your four-legged friend?

Which flexi leashes are there and which ones are suitable for me? Choosing the right dog leash is crucial to making walks with your furry friend safe and enjoyable. Flexi leashes are popular w...

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Warum keine Flexileine? Die Vor- und Nachteile im Überblick pawINAYA

Why not a flexible leash? The advantages and disadvantages at a glance

When it comes to walking our four-legged friends, dog owners have numerous options. One of the most controversial is the flexi leash. While some dog owners swear it is essential, there are other...

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Eine Revolution in der Hundeausrüstung: Das innovative INAYA Halfter für die Flexi Leine und der neuartige Leckerli Spender Kibbes im Test pawINAYA
Flexi Leine

A revolution in dog equipment: The innovative INAYA halter for the flexi leash and the new Kibbes treat dispenser in the test

In this blog post, INAYA's innovative dog equipment was presented, including the INAYA halter for the flexi leash and the Kibbes treat dispenser. The INAYA halter has been described as a groundbrea...

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Schleppleine vs. Flexileine: Eine Win-Win-Situation für uns und unsere Hunde pawINAYA

Tow leash vs. flexi leash: A win-win situation for us and our dogs

In our blog post we compare the advantages of drag leashes and flexi leashes for dogs and show why both options have their own advantages. Learn how to make the right choice for your furry friend a...

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