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Eine Revolution in der Hundeausrüstung: Das innovative INAYA Halfter für die Flexi Leine und der neuartige Leckerli Spender Kibbes im Test pawINAYA
Flexi Leine

A revolution in dog equipment: The innovative INAYA halter for the flexi leash and the new Kibbes treat dispenser in the test

How do you walk the dog?

The world of dog gear has made amazing progress in recent years, and it's exciting to see how innovation can improve the lives of dog owners and their furry friends. In this blog post we would like to share our experience with the innovative INAYA halter for the Flexi leash and the new Kibbes treat dispenser, which we have subjected to extensive testing.

INAYA halter for the Flexi leash: The future of safe dog walking

The INAYA halter for the flexi leash has exceeded expectations by taking over the carrying of the flexi leash and leaving your hands free. This is particularly practical as it allows for more freedom of movement and at the same time feels safer. With the halter the flexi leash stays in place, preventing accidents where the leash slips out of your hand and scares the dog, which can cause him to run away.

The special design of the halter not only makes it easier to walk safely, but also distributes the pressure evenly on the halter, which effectively prevents pulling on the flexi leash. Our walks were suddenly more relaxed and pleasant because we had full control over the leash and had to compensate for jerky movements. ( )

Kibbes treat dispenser: A treat for dog and owner

The Kibbes treat dispenser has proven to be a real enrichment in our training and walks. This innovative little box allows us to feed treats to dogs quickly and accurately, making learning and rewarding desired behavior more efficient.

The special thing about Kibbes is how easy it is to use. With just one tip, we can give our dog an instant treat without having to search through our bags for snacks. This makes training much easier and creates clear connections between reward and behavior. ( )

Conclusion: Innovations that improve life with dogs

The experience with the INAYA halter for the flexi leash and the Kibbes treat dispenser has shown how innovations in dog equipment can significantly improve the lives of dog owners and their four-legged friends. With these innovative products as a team, walking and training becomes fun and the bond between people and dogs is strengthened. We look forward to the future of dog gear and how it will further enrich life with our beloved pets.

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