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Flexi- und Schleppleine kommen ans Geschirr!

Flexi and tow lines are attached to the harness!

Every walk with our four-legged friend should not only be fun but also safe. But did you know that the way you attach the leash can make a big difference?

A small difference that can make a big difference

Many dog ​​owners attach their flexi or tow leash to their collar without being aware of the potential risks. However, simply switching to a harness can prevent injuries and improve the dog's well-being.

The dog’s neck: a sensitive area

A dog's neck is a particularly sensitive area. Important nerves, blood vessels and the windpipe run through this area. A sudden pull or tug on a flexi or tow line can cause serious injuries. The risk of cervical vertebrae injuries, damage to the larynx or even breathing problems is high. A harness, on the other hand, distributes the pressure evenly across the chest and thus protects the sensitive neck area.

Pressure distribution and safety

A harness not only offers better pressure distribution, but also more safety. A harness reduces the risk of injury, especially in the case of unexpected movements, such as when your dog suddenly runs off or jumps after a bird. The pressure point is then no longer on the neck, but is distributed over the entire upper body. This protects the sensitive structures and ensures more comfort when walking the dog.

Better control and leadership

Another advantage of the harness is the improved control over the dog. Tow lines are often very long and flexi lines allow a lot of freedom of movement. A harness gives you the opportunity to gently guide your dog and lead him safely without causing him pain. This is especially important during training sessions or in situations where quick reactions are required.


Attaching flexi and tracking leads to the harness instead of the collar is a simple but effective way to ensure your dog's safety and well-being. Try it and you will notice the difference - your dog will thank you.

Stay safe on the road and enjoy the time together with your four-legged friend!


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