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Halter for dog is king®

Experience perfect control with the pawINAYA® halter for "Dog is King" retractable leashes!

The pawINAYA® halter is the ideal addition to your "Dog is King" retractable leash and offers you:

  • Compatibility: Seamless integration with "Dog is King" leashes.
  • Easy to use: Can be attached and removed quickly.
  • Versatility: Suitable for walking and intensive training.
  • Safety: Reflective elements for better visibility.

Discover robust and stylish design for improved leash guidance and enjoy relaxed trips with your dog!

Flexi leine pawINAYA®  "Hund ist König"  Halfter - Hundeleine Schleppleine Halsband HundegeschirrFlexi leine pawINAYA®  "Hund ist König"  Halfter - Hundeleine Schleppleine Halsband Hundegeschirr
Flexi leine pawINAYA®  "Hund ist König"  Halfter inkl. Doppelleine - Hundeleine Schleppleine Halsband HundegeschirrFlexi leine pawINAYA®  "Hund ist König"  Halfter inkl. Doppelleine - Hundeleine Schleppleine Halsband Hundegeschirr
Flexi leine pawINAYA®  "Hund ist König"  Halfter inkl. Gürtel - Hundeleine Schleppleine Halsband HundegeschirrpawINAYA® "Hund ist König" halter incl. belt
Versandkosten 4,90د.إ