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Warum keine Flexileine? Die Vor- und Nachteile im Überblick pawINAYA

Why not a flexible leash? The advantages and disadvantages at a glance

When it comes to walking our four-legged friends, dog owners have numerous options. One of the most controversial is the flexi leash. While some dog owners swear it is essential, there are others who strongly reject it. In this article we will take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of flexible leashes and ultimately find out whether they really make sense.

The advantages of flexible leashes

1. Freedom for the dog: Flexi leashes offer your dog more freedom of movement than conventional leashes. Your four-legged friend can continue to walk, sniff and explore without you having to constantly call him.

2. Flexibility for the owner: These leashes allow you to adjust the length of the leash depending on the situation. Whether it's a short tour on busy streets or more freedom in parks - with a flexi leash you are flexible.

3. Reduced tensile stress: Because the flexi leash gives way, the pull on the dog and the owner when pulling is reduced. This is particularly helpful for strong dogs.

4. Training Options: A flexi leash can be useful for training obedience and recall commands as it allows your dog to enjoy more freedom while still maintaining control.

The disadvantages of flexible leashes

1. Lack of Control: One of the biggest challenges with flexi leashes is the loss of direct control over your dog. This can be dangerous in critical situations.

2. Risk of injury: Both dog and owner can easily injure themselves on the thin leash if it gets tangled or is pulled abruptly.

3. Low visibility: The narrow leash can be difficult for other pedestrians and road users to see, increasing the risk of accidents.

4. Lack of signals: A long leash can convey to your dog that he doesn't need to hear when you call him because it can bridge the distance between you and him.

Conclusion: Are flexible leashes useful?

Flexi leashes undoubtedly have their advantages and disadvantages. Whether they make sense or not depends on various factors:

  1. -Dog training: For well-trained dogs who already listen to recall commands, flexible leashes can be an enrichment for walks.

  2. -Environment: In a safe, open area like a park where your dog has little distraction and danger, a flexi leash can come in handy.

  3. -Dog size: A flexi leash can be less of a problem for small dogs because they have less pulling power.

  4. -Owner experience: Experienced dog owners who understand the risks and have a good handle on their dog can use Flexile

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Eine Revolution in der Hundeausrüstung: Das innovative INAYA Halfter für die Flexi Leine und der neuartige Leckerli Spender Kibbes im Test pawINAYA
Flexi Leine

A revolution in dog equipment: The innovative INAYA halter for the flexi leash and the new Kibbes treat dispenser in the test

In this blog post, INAYA's innovative dog equipment was presented, including the INAYA halter for the flexi leash and the Kibbes treat dispenser. The INAYA halter has been described as a groundbrea...

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Die Perfekte Flexileine: Welche Hundeleine passt zu deinem Vierbeiner? pawINAYA

The perfect flexi leash: Which dog leash suits your four-legged friend?

Which flexi leashes are there and which ones are suitable for me? Choosing the right dog leash is crucial to making walks with your furry friend safe and enjoyable. Flexi leashes are popular w...

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