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Schleppleine vs. Flexileine: Eine Win-Win-Situation für uns und unsere Hunde pawINAYA

Tow leash vs. flexi leash: A win-win situation for us and our dogs

Choosing between a drag leash and a flexi leash for your dog can be a tricky decision. Both options offer unique benefits that vary depending on the situation and needs. In this post we will compare both types of leashes and show why both the tow leash and the flexi leash can emerge as winners, depending on our individual requirements for our dogs.

1. Towline: Controlled Freedom

The tow leash offers your dog the freedom to move around while you still have full control. This is particularly useful in high traffic areas or when exercising. Your dog can sniff around and explore while you can ensure he can be quickly recalled in critical situations.

2. Flexi leash: The flexible choice

The flexi leash, on the other hand, offers us the opportunity to adjust the length of the leash depending on whether our dog wants more space or should stay closer to us. This flexibility is ideal for walks in the park, where our dog can enjoy more freedom of movement in a safe environment.

3. Training and education:

Both types of leashes can be valuable for training and raising our dog. The drag leash supports training obedience and recall commands, while the flexi leash allows for a more relaxed approach that allows our dog to learn at his own pace.

4. Versatility:

Drag leashes are versatile and are also suitable for activities such as outdoor training or at the dog park. The flexi leash is perfect for relaxed walks in less busy areas or for dog owners who want to give their dog more freedom of movement.

5. Comfort for dog and owner:

Both towing leashes and flexi leashes offer comfort for both dog and owner. Choosing between the two often comes down to personal preference and our dog's needs.


There is no clear answer as to which leash is better, as both the tow leash and the flexi leash offer clear advantages. The best choice depends on our individual needs, our activities and our dog's preferences. However, it is important to recognize that there is no “either or” – we can use both types of leashes in different situations, thereby getting the best of both worlds for our pets. The main thing is that we and our dogs feel comfortable and safe when walking, no matter what leash we choose.

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Eine Revolution in der Hundeausrüstung: Das innovative INAYA Halfter für die Flexi Leine und der neuartige Leckerli Spender Kibbes im Test pawINAYA
Flexi Leine

A revolution in dog equipment: The innovative INAYA halter for the flexi leash and the new Kibbes treat dispenser in the test

In this blog post, INAYA's innovative dog equipment was presented, including the INAYA halter for the flexi leash and the Kibbes treat dispenser. The INAYA halter has been described as a groundbrea...

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